Would You Make A Good Teacher?

Teaching is hard work that is severely underappreciated. Good teachers are hard to find. Would you make a good teacher?

Tags: Job, Teacher, Teaching

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Great Teacher
You are patient, kind, and smart. You don't let people take advantage of you, and you don't mind being teased or harassed from time to time. You have a great sense of humor, and you take pride in your work. You don't need to make a ton of money to be happy. You prefer your reward to be personal and full of lifetime connections. You were born to be a teacher.

An Okay Teacher
You aren't looking to get rich, and you are passionate about your subject matter, but you do get frustrated when listening to people complain. You can't always hide that frustration, and although you try, you don't always have the best sense of humor.

A Bad Teacher
Sorry if you had your dreams set on going into the teaching profession, but you are not cut out to join this noble line of work. You love spending money, you don't have a lot of patience, and you hate listening to whining. You easily get your feelings hurt, and you have a hard time hiding your anger. You just wouldn't make a good teacher.