This Food Test Will Determine Which Season Suits Your Personality!

In this quiz, you will find out which season suits your personality. The questions about food and eating habits that you answer will reveal your season.

Tags: Season, Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

Spring is the season that suits you best. You are drawn to fresh, colorful, and crisp foods like a bee to a lovely spring blossom. Now that you know that spring is your season, why not plan a picnic outside the next time the season rolls around? Don't forget to include cool drinks and light, tasty snacks!

Summer is the right season for your vibrant personality. Because of the warm weather, you prefer your foods served cold and your drinks icy and refreshing. Be sure to take time to relish in the abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables that flourish during this season of sun and fun. The plentiful variety of tastes and colors will delight your eyes as well as your palate!

When it comes to seasons and to foods, you enjoy the cold snap of ice! Winter fits your personality to a T. After enjoying winter pastimes, such as skiing, snowmobiling, and building snowmen, you love to settle down in front of the fireplace with a rich, warming bowl of stew. In your opinion, food is best served hot. So if you haven't already, why not plan a day at a ski lodge followed by a nice meal in a restaurant? You'll have the best of both worlds.

Fall is the season for your personality. Gold, orange, red, yellow . . . you exult in the colors, not only of the falling leaves but also of the food on your plate. You have a spicy personality that mimics the spices associated with the season, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Your appreciation of the complete experience of a meal (the sights and sounds) mimics your love of the beautiful falling leaves and the crisp, crunching sounds they make beneath your feet. How will you celebrate this coming autumn?