The Norse Mythology Quiz

So you love Vikings and all things Scandinavian, but how well do you know the old Norse myths? Step onto Bifrost and take a trip to Asgard and some questions to test your knowledge!

Tags: Knowledge, Mythology, Old-Norse

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing about Norse Mythology!
You are missing out. Really. Viking lore is cool but it has nothing on the stories THEY loved. And there are tons of stories. Go check out a book on Norse mythology and open your mind and imagination up to fascinating, magical dimensions!

Very little about Norse Mythology
You know a little something but not nearly enough! There's so much more to it than Thor and his hammer. Dwarves, ice giants, flying pigs, fire ghosts, and so so much more! These are tales of absolute adventure, romance, and victory - or even sometimes glorious defeat. Read at least one. You'll be glad you did.

A fair bit about Norse Mythology
Not too shabby! You must have an interest in Norse mythology. At least enough of one to have read a few great stories. But, you haven't yet read them all and there is so much more to learn! You know enough to know that you have some fascinating reading in your future!

A lot about Norse Mythology
You're almost a Norse mythology expert, but not quite! To get to Valhalla, you'll have to take in just a bit more. But reading up on Norse mythology is no chore, as you well know. It's much more intriguing than a lot of stories that are written in our own day.

Everything about Norse Mythology!
You must live somewhere in the branches of Yggdrasil because you have ALL of the knowledge! Seriously, are you a child of Odin? Did you travel here via Bifrost? Hopefully, you didn't bring Ice Giants or Loki along for the ride!