Are You Descended From Vikings?

Do you think you could be descended from vikings? Well, rather than spend hours sifting through ancestry records only to draw a wild guess, why not take this personality quiz?

Tags: History

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Descended From Vikings
You don't like to explore, you're not huge on the ocean or anything naval, and you certainly don't take pride in hygiene or your overall appearance. Furthermore, you aren't exactly outgoing or headstrong. Sorry to say, you are not descended from the vikings!

The Tiniest Bit Viking
You have the tiniest bit of viking in you. Not much, but enough to note that you very well could be descended from the vikings, even just a smidge. It would be wise for you to read up on the vikings, maybe look through family history, and ancestry records and see what you find. Maybe you are descended, but don't quite reflect the vikings?

Totally Descended From Vikings
There's pretty much no question that you are, in fact, descended from vikings. You take pride in your hygiene and appearance, you like to argue, you're stubborn but smart, and you are always up for adventure of any kind. Even danger doesn't scare you. You are quick on your feet, and if somehow you were transported back in time, you'd blend right in!