Astronomy Quiz

How much astronomy do you know? Do you know when you can see certain constellations or what a supernova is? Find out your astronomy knowledge level with this quiz!

Tags: Knowledge, Astronomy, Universe, Planet, Galaxy, Star

Here are all the results with descriptions

Don't know much about astronomy
Most people don't so you're probably in good company. Take some time to learn more about how our universe works and have something more to think about when you gaze up at the stars, moon, and the occasional visible planet!

Know a little astronomy
You've picked up a little astronomy here and there but there's always time to learn more. Do some light internet reading or pick up a book and expand your knowledge. Maybe you could even visit an observatory!

Know a decent amount about astronomy
That's more than can be said for most people so you must have an interest in it. Develop that interest further! Visit an observatory and look at our universe through a powerful telescope or get a telescope of your own!

Know a lot about astronomy
You must have taken a class or two in the subject. Or maybe you're a student of science that paid really close attention in class. You know enough to know that it's a fascinating subject that deserves further study!

Are an astronomy expert!
Do you have a degree in astronomy? You must. You know a LOT about it! You could probably teach a class on astronomy and why it's an important field of study. You should at least bring it up in conversation with your friends and share that knowledge!