Which Word Best Describes Your Family?

Have you ever wondered what kind of family you come from? This quiz will help in giving you a better understanding and even offer you a one word description that you can share with others!

Tags: Living, Family, Parents, Children, People, Group, Person, Relationship

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your family clearly likes to do things the old school way. Dinners together every night or at least on Sunday are for sure a thing. You get together for all your holidays and sit next to one another in church. Your family would be an easy one to be a part of.

We can bet that you and all of your family still live under one roof. Your mom and dad insist that you kids all stay as long as you want. If the family grows, they're just going to get a bigger house so you can all stay together.

There's a little bit of a wild side to your family. You guys love to go on adventures and take some risks. It might get a bit hectic once in a while, but it's just the way it is, and you wouldn't want it any other way.

When there's someone in need, your family is there to help out. You volunteer your time on the holidays to feed the needy and never pass by a homeless person without dropping some spare change. We can bet you had some stragglers staying at your house while you were growing up because your parents were always willing to give someone anything they could to help out.

You don't see a whole lot of your family if you see them at all anymore. Whether something happened to tear you apart or if you just drifted away over the years, it's just how things are right now. That doesn't mean that they can't change in the future though... if you want them to that is.

Did your family hit the lottery or something? There's nothing that you guys don't have or go out and do together. Money is not an issue for your family. We can bet that you're going to live a long and happy life without ever having to work!