Which Personality Trait Do People Admire Most About You?

Wondering which personality trait people admire most about you? Find out right now by taking this short, insightful quiz! The answer may surprise you though!

Tags: Personality, Attitude, Character-Trait, Behavior, Emotion, Man, Woman

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're kind, genuinely kind, which is actually something super rare these days. Most people are grumpy, crappy, or just plain indifferent to people they don't know. But kindness? A relic! So when people see you, and how you treat others, it doesn't go unnoticed. There's a reason why even those who are normally rude to others are never rude to you.

You are of a mind that if you have too much of something, you're going to share it. You're the type of person who will make a whole batch of cookies and give most of them away. The one person at work that actually buys people coffee and doesn't mind. You get the idea.

You would never tell anyone's secrets, ever. You would never betray someone who has trusted you with information they find sensitive enough to ask you not to repeat to anyone else. And people know that. So when it's time to get real and talk about something critical, they know who to reach out to.

You are always reliable, nothing but reliable. When you're needed at 7AM on the dot, you're there at 6:59AM, if not before. When you commit to bringing something for the party, like the chips and dip, you not only bring them, you bring a lot to make sure everyone there has some.

You dance to the beat of your own drum, as they say. You don't do the things other people are doing, and you're not wearing all the trends like so many out there are. No, instead, you wear whatever you want and you look really good doing it! You are often complimented for your style, and inspire others. More so, you do whatever you want in life. You don't worry about what other people are thinking, you don't care about fitting into the status quo. You are you and you are awesome.

You're the creative type and it's amazing. You're always coming up with solutions to problems other people wouldn't even imagine. You make things, work on things, improve things, etc. And because you're so creative, when someone needs a vision of a finalized project, or just some inspiration, they reach out to you!