How Much do You Know About Bigfoot?

Do you think you would know if there was a Sasquatch nearby? Find out if you're a Bigfoot expert or not by taking this fun quiz about all things Sasquatch!

Tags: Living, Animal, Creature, Beast

Here are all the results with descriptions

Know nothing about Bigfoot
You must not be a believer. Surely if you believed in Bigfoot you would learn a little more about him. Or her. They have children too. Learn more about bigfoot and see if there have been any sightings near where you live. You might be surprised!

Know a little about Bigfoot
You've probably watched a couple of Bigfoot hunting shows or read a story or two about America's favorite man-beast. It's time to learn some more! Find out about sightings in your area or read and watch the evidence and ponder whether or not it's real!

Have some Bigfoot knowledge
You probably know a little more about Bigfoot and his cousins than the average American. It's not hard when so much of it seems to be surrounded by myth and hoax. Look into it some more and see if you can find what you think are legit reports!

Know a lot about Bigfoot
You know so much about Bigfoot that it's time to move ahead of books and TV shows and start looking for him in the flesh! Put up a motion sensor cancer camera in his path or research a place to look for him. Even if you don't find Bigfoot, you might find his footprints!

A Bigfoot Expert!
You are a cryptozoologist of the highest caliber. Your research and learning will pay off someday with your own Patterson footage and a plaster cast. Start getting in shape so you'll feel confident for the talk show circuit and TV appearances after you find Bigfoot!