What Am I Good At?

A short quiz that will show you what it is that you are good at. This is a fun quiz that is meant to show you what your hidden or not so hidden talent might be.

Tags: Knowledge, Talent, Education, Intellect

Here are all the results with descriptions

Numbers are your friend you have always been good with numbers in a way that most people do not even come close to. In school you was a math wiz everyone wanted to be their tutor. Now you are teaching the subject that you love so much.

It started out as you having exceptional taste buds and it grew into so much more. You are now a master chef, you are an artist in the kitchen. What you are able to do in a kitchen is just amazing.

You are an artist plain and simple you can paint a masterpiece that is reminiscent of some of the masters from the past. You are lucky that the phrase starving artist does not apply to you, because you are very profitable.

You have a very creative imagination which has made you an awesome writer. Papers, short stories, essays, novels, it does not matter what it is you are an excellent writer and you excel at whatever it is that you are writing.

You have been told that you have an angelic voice, people request for you to sing for them for everything. You have done everything from grand openings to weddings. You are an absolutely amazing singer.

Unfortunately all your life you have been called a word that you hate but, it is one that really describes you. The word is jock. You are an athlete true and through, you don't excel at just one sport but multiple ones.