Here are all the results with descriptions
10% Donald Trump
You're only 10% Donald Trump and you're totally okay with that. You're your own person and you'd rather express your individuality than being like someone else.
25% Donald Trump
You're a quarter percent like Donald Trump and you're totally cool with that. You know that you are your own person but that you also share some good qualities with him.
50% Donald Trump
You're half like Donald Trump! You have some similar traits to him such as boldness or strong leadership skills but you also have you're own unique traits.
75% Donald Trump
You're almost like Donald Trump and that's totally cool with you! You have similar qualities like diligence and boldness that you share with him.
100% Donald Trump
You're exactly like Donald Trump! You have similar qualities such as boldness and perseverance. You probably also have a love of baseball caps just like him!