How To Enjoy Life?

Are you in need of inspiration for how to enjoy life? Is there something missing in your life or do you just need a little boost? Find inspiration by taking this quiz!

Tags: Living, Life, Pleasure

Here are all the results with descriptions

Indulge yourself more
Self-discipline, minimalism, frugality, diet, exercise - they're all great things. There is much to be said for them. BUT . . . you have to give yourself a little bit of comfort now and then and even a little luxury. At least once a week, give yourself an indulgence. If you can give yourself an indulgence daily, no matter how small, that would be even better.

Carve out some quiet time
Your life seems pretty hectic! You need to carve out some time for yourself to enjoy some peace. But not quiet time to read or watch TV. That will just add to the information stream in your head. Take some quiet time outdoors and just observe and watch. If you live in the city, go to a park. If it isn't possible to be outside, then meditate or enjoy a hobby like taking care of houseplants or fish. Choose something that helps you pause, relax, and have a clear mind.

Find a purpose
Find something to be interested in. It doesn't have to be a typical hobby. If you don't have an interest, search for a spark of inspiration by checking online pinboards. There's more on them than just recipes and quilting patterns. Search for something you wouldn't think Pinterest would have -like stand up comedy tips or motorcycle riding and see all of the things that come up. Go find your purpose!

Help someone
Sometimes the most wonderful thing you can do for yourself is to do something for others. If you don't have time to do volunteer, you could still do things a little at a time. For instance, you could pick a cause you care about and offer to help them or make an anonymous donation. Or do it with multiple charities. If you do that often enough, and better yet - if you get involved, you will have a greater sense of fulfillment and you will feel like you're doing something positive in the world.

Get weird
You are much too serious! Even if you're one of those people who was never a child, it's time to be one now. Maybe not all of the time, but at least once a week. It doesn't even have to be that big a deal. Get up the nerve to swing on the swings at a playground or try out for a play or run through a sprinkler. If you can't, being a weirdo in private. Make faces in the mirror, sing stupid songs that make you laugh when you're alone in the car, play with your pet, whatever - let loose!

Stand up to your challenges
It seems like the things that are looming over you are getting you down. It's time to slay those dragons. Shine a light on your problems so you can fix them. It's probably the last thing you want to think about, but you really will feel better with each one you defeat. Think of it as a game Start with the smallest challenge and get it fixed. Then move on to the next one. Learn from what you went through, and celebrate each victory.