How To Flirt With A Guy?

Wondering if you know how to flirt with a guy? Think you need some help figuring it all out? Then you've come to the right place! We'll tell you what you should be doing to improve your game.

Tags: Women, Guy, Relationship, Flirt, Courtship, Flirting

Here are all the results with descriptions

Compliment Him!
Women take this for granted, but men don't really get complimented as often as they should! So when you compliment him, he feels a certain rush that you just don't get anymore, because chances are you're used to it. Letting him know that his shirt brings out the green in his eyes, or that his hair styled a certain way makes him look sexy, is a boost for him. He'll take this as a clear sign that you're interested and that you notice those little things about him that make him special.

Show Genuine Interest
Too many times, women are used to being pursued. And that means men will ask the questions, the women will answer, and that's about it. Try changing that up and ask HIM the questions. Be a good listener, learn more about him. This will make him feel important, but also, make you seem much more friendly.

Be Innocently Seductive
Play with your hair, smile more, and lean in a little when you're showing him something on your phone. Maybe lightly tap his arm when he says something super funny. Or lightly glance down to his lips and back up to his eyes when he's talking. All of these things are considered innocently sexy, and let him know you're interested, but that you're not leading with sex on the mind. You're invested and are willing to see where this goes. As should he!

Work On Your Confidence!
Clearly, you know what to do when flirting with a guy. You play with your hair, you laugh and smile, you ask questions and listen to what he has to say, and more than that, you compliment him. You do all the things, but. . . your confidence just isn't there. So each time you flirt, it comes off a little insecure, a little wobbly, and awkward. He's not sure what to make of it, because he wonders if you're forcing yourself, or if you're more afraid of him! So, work on that confidence!