Should I Ask Her Out?

Wondering if you should finally ask her out? Unsure whether she's sending signals, or if she's just not that interested in you? Stop debating with yourself over it, and take this insightful quiz instead!

Tags: Men, Relationship, Women, Partner, Date

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Ask Her Out
So, unfortunately, what you're experiencing is something that literally everyone has to experience at some point. It's called unrequited love, and it alludes no one. This is when you're head-over-heels for someone who simply doesn't see you in that way. And that's not a reflection on you! It actually has absolutely nothing to do with you as a person, or anything. It's just that everyone is attracted to different qualities.

Wait To Ask
So, it seems like she's into you. . . but she's also just not ready. It could be a busy schedule, maybe issues with roommates or family, trouble at work/school, etc. It could even be that she's focusing on herself for a little while, before thinking about dating again. Whatever it is, it's making her shove ideas of dating out the window for a while, which means if you ask her now, she'll say no even if she does like you. Maybe try a while later. Trust us: if she's into you, it won't be long.

This girl is basically holding up a neon sign. She's basically saying she's super ready, and is wondering why on earth you don't just ask already. It's a mystery as to why you haven't asked, really, because she's been throwing out signals left and right. She's been letting you know this whole time. Now don't keep a lady waiting, go make your move!