Based On Your Answers We Will Tell You How You Can Improve Your Life

Here are all the results with descriptions

Stop Jumping To Conclusions
It's easy to jump to conclusions, especially when you feel anxious but it's not always good to do. It leads to assuming things and sometimes those assumptions are just truly far-fetched ideas that only put you in a bad mood.

Don't Dramatize
It's easy to want to blow up a smaller situation for attention but it's not always good to do. When you make things dramatic and emotional, it tends to lead to bad situations in life.

Avoid Stereotyping
When you stereotype someone, you're automatically assuming what they're like and judging them. You should treat others as how you want to be treated.

Stop Making Rules
When you make rules in life, it's easy to feel disappointed when you eventually break them. Setting rules just sets standards for yourself and sometimes you can't keep them.

Quit Being A Perfectionist
Pressure is definitely put on you when you feel like you have to be a perfectionist in life. It sets you up for standards that are usually impossible to keep.