Saint Quiz

How much do you know about the Christian saints? Do you know who they were or what they oversee? Find out how much you know about saints by taking this quiz!


Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing about the saints
You don't know anything about the saints, or at least not any of the ones in this quiz. You should learn more about them! Even if you don't believe they're special or that some of them might just be legend, their stories are FASCINATING. Read up!

A little about the saints
You know just enough about the saints to know that Joan of Arc was one. Well, maybe a little more than that, but not much. If you like history or you love a good story, read more about the saints. Their stories are full of mystery and intrigue and of course, good deeds.

A good deal about the saints
There really isn't an average knowledge of saints - unless you're Catholic, but if there were, you'd have it. You probably know more about saints than the next person, but you aren't full of saintly knowledge. Brush up on your saints - you know it will be fun to learn more about them!

A lot about the saints
You're not quite an expert on saints, but you're pretty close! This was a tough quiz and you did better than most people! You already know how fascinating the stories about the lives of the saints are, so you know that learning a little more about them would be enlightening!

Everything about the saints
Well, probably not everything about every single one, but you know way more than most people about saints. Are you a religious scholar? Or are you clergy? You must be! Now because you know all of the fascinating stories about the saints, you should share them with your friends and enlighten the world!