How To Look Beautiful?

Do you want to know how to look beautiful? This quiz is going to show you exactly what you need to do to take your looks to a higher level of perfection.

Tags: Beautiful, Beauty, Pretty, Attractiveness, Look

Here are all the results with descriptions

have a great personality
Beauty isn't all about looks. If you don't act nice, you will seem ugly no matter what your physical features are. Showing kindness, being friendly, and being emotionally accessible is attractive. So, open up and smile!

practice confident, but open body language
Confidence is attractive, but it can be intimidating if you don't practice open body language. To appear confident, stand with your back and neck straight. Uncross your arms, and make sure your hands are visible (e. g. , not in your pocket) to seem like a beautiful potential partner.

work on your skin
Clear, soft skin is extremely appealing, but it takes some hard work and attention. Find out what type of skin type (oily, combination, or dry) and by hypoallergenic products designed for it. Apply lotion every day, especially on your feet, knees, and elbows.

dress to impress
There's a reason people gift wrap presents. The beautiful exterior lets you know that something desirable is on the inside. Treat your body the same way. Invest in pieces that fit well and flatter your body. Ignore the trends that don't suit you.

take care of your hair
A bad haircut can be catastrophic to your looks. Besides, thick, shiny, and healthy-looking hair is associated with vitality and attractiveness. So, explore until you find a style and products that do the best things for your hair.

wear something red
According to a study conducted by the University of Rochester, participants rated people who wear red as the most attractive. You don't have to drap yourself in the color from head to toe. Just add a touch when you can. . . red lipstick, a red purse, a red tie or scarf, etc.