The Ultimate Bible Trivia Quiz

Are you an avid reader of the Holy Scriptures or ancient literature? You will be able to see just how much you know by taking this challenging Bible quiz.

Tags: Bible, God, Religion, Spirituality, Church

Here are all the results with descriptions

nothing about the Bible
Have you ever even read a page of the Bible? You need to start at Genesis and read straight through to Revelation. If you commit to about three chapters a day, you will finish in a year. And don't forget to take Bible study lessons to learn what the Bible really teaches!

next to nothing about the Bible
It doesn't seem like you have done very much reading of the Bible. Why not set a goal to read the entire Bible in a year? You can do it by covering an average of three chapters or so per day. You can also sign up for an online Bible study.

less than average about the Bible
Have you completed an interactive Bible study course? Maybe you began one, but dropped out before it was finished? You know a few basic facts, but you missed a lot of questions that should be basic knowledge. Study a bit more and try again!

a fair knowledge of the Bible
Not bad! You have an average amount of Bible knowledge. Probably you have read some of the Bible or you have attended a Bible study course. You can improve your knowledge by going beyond facts to learn about the principles behind Bible teachings.

a pretty impressive knowledge about the Bible
Well, well, well. . . You know more than the average bear about the Bible! You can have intelligent conversations about the Scriptures, but you don't know everything there is to know. Be open-minded if you want to gain a more profound appreciation of the Scriptures.

an astounding amount of Bible knowledge
Your knowledge of the Bible is amazingly comprehensive. You must have studied these holy writing studiously to be able to answer all the questions correctly. However, you can always learn more so don't stop reading!