How To Be A Good Employee?

A short quiz of random questions that will give you tips on how to be a good employee. Sometimes people are so washed up in old habits that they don't realize a few changes could make a major difference.

Tags: Employee, Morals, Job, People

Here are all the results with descriptions

Be courteous to your coworkers
You will be a good employee if you go the extra mile to be nice to coworkers. Offer to help them when you are done with your work. Sometimes when doing certain tasks another individual added to the mix can be extremely helpful.

Minimize cell phone use
You will be a good employee if you limit your cell phone usage while at work. You are always checking your social media, so your current job doesn't get any extra effort from you. Put your cell phone down for awhile and focus on improving saw your next review wows you.

Give more effort
You do the bare minimum at work. If you give more effort overall, you will be a very valuable employee. You ever work ahead or try to assist anyone else. You literally do your work and go home. Try switching it up.

Be punctual
You would be a better employee if you attempted to be more punctual. You don't really arrive to work a little early to get settled before your start time and you are usually a couple of minutes late from work. Focus on being more punctual.

Think ahead
To be a better employee, you should simply think ahead. When you have completed all your tasks, think about what you can do that will be beneficial in the near future-possibly making binders, labeling things, filing things, etc.

Ask your boss for more work
In order to be a good or better employee, you should try to ask your boss for more work. You tend to keep your work done, but you don't ever take the extra step and ask your boss for more work. Try doing it and they will really be impressed.