My Lucky Number Today

What's your lucky number? On this day in particular? Are you going to play the lottery or do you just want to know what number to watch for? Find out your lucky number now!

Tags: Men, Women, Adult, Number, Gambling, Spiritual, Magic, Superstition

Here are all the results with descriptions

The number three often stands for a divine source. Many religious cultures share the reverence of the number 3. Three also represents time - past, present, and future. Think about your life and what's been going on and your attitudes to determine what 3 might mean to you.

There are four corners in a square and four points on a compass. Four is the representation of a foundation or a base with stability. Maybe you need to concentrate on stability today? Think about that as you go through your day!

That's right! Lucky number 7 is your lucky number for today! So many things always come back to seven. Think about - seven seas, seven continents, seven colors in the rainbow. Seven is everywhere! Look for it!

Lucky you! Your lucky number for today is the very special number 8. Eight represents infinity, harmony, and wholeness. Is there something going on in your life that you need to bring back into harmony? Contemplate that today whenever you think of your lucky number 8!

Open up your wallet because it's gonna rain money today! Well, let's hope it will. Nine is the number for balance and prosperity. Getting away from the monetary perspective when it comes to prosperity, 9 also symbolizes religious strength. So, give consideration today to prosperity from all angles - including the spirit.

Twelve is a very special number. It is considered a perfect number mathematically and it symbolizes perfection for many religions. It is also a number that counts our seasons - 12 months, 12 zodiac signs, 24 hours in a day. Today something in your life will start to line up and be put into order.