Here are all the results with descriptions
You failed this school quiz! Probably it wasn't the first time you failed an exam, but you can change the trend now that you know how much you still have to learn. It will help you to ask for help from someone who knows how to study.
A D is not a good score just in case you didn't realize it. You got more than half of these school questions incorrect. You have a lot of studying to do if you want to score better next time. Stay in school!
You did okay on this online school quiz. Yes, the questions were quite challenging, but you could probably improve your score if you focus a little more on studying, reading, and doing your homework.
You did pretty well on this challenging online school quiz. You got a lot of questions right, but you missed some of the difficult ones. All you have to do is study a little more and you will improve your score next time.
Wow, you did really well on this tricky school quiz! You got many of the questions right, and the ones you missed were quite difficult. Study a little harder and you will probably earn an A+ next time!
Congratulations, you aced this online school quiz! You got almost all of the questions right, but don't get too arrogant. There's always more to learn because you will never know everything there is to know.