What Unicorn Are You?

This quiz is about finding out what Unicorn you are, which you can read from the title. Click on the answer that fits you the most. At the end you will find out what Unicorn you are!

Tags: Unicorn, Horse, Magic, Animal, Rainbow

Here are all the results with descriptions

Mechanical Unicorn
You are a Mechanical Unicorn. You'r dream job is a gamer, you only care about your computer or phone or things like that, you often don't feel any emotions and if you were to have a power it would be to control mechanical stuff.

Rainbow Unicorn
You are the Rainbow Unicorn. Your dream job is a party planner, you only care about making people happy, you often feel happy and if you were to have a power it would be glitter.

Demon Unicorn
You are a Demon Unicorn. Your dream job is to be the ruler of the underworld, you don't really care about anything, you're often angry and if you were to have a power it would be destruction.

Pheonix Unicorn
You are a Phoenix Unicorn. You want to be a free spirit with no job, you care about every living being, you easily fall in love and if you were to have a power it would be healing.