Anime Quiz

How much do you know about anime? Just a warning: Only a bonafide anime expert will be able to answer all of the questions of this entertaining online quiz.

Tags: Anime, Cartoon, Movies

Here are all the results with descriptions

at an all-time low
Your knowledge, or should we say lack of knowledge, of anime is astounding. How can anyone know so little about a subject? The good news is that learning more will be enjoyable. Just ask some real anime lovers to recommend their favorite film.

Your knowledge, or should we say lack of knowledge, of anime is remarkable. You know a lot less than the average person about anime, but your case isn't hopeless. If you took this quiz, that means you have some interest to learn more!

You know a few things about anime, but no more than the average person. You will have to learn about some of the less mainstream movies and television shows to become a genuine anime expert. Get started now!

slightly above average
You know quite a few things about anime. In fact, you know more than the average Joe. However, you have a long way to go if you want to become a real anime expert. We suggest watching some of the less mainstream films.

well above average
You know much more about anime than the average person. It's evident that you have gone beyond the mainstream films that everyone knows about to discover some of the more obscure treasures. Great job!

off the charts
Your knowledge of anime is astounding. We thought we could stump you by including some really obscure films, but you even knew the answers to the most challenging questions. Excellent job and congratulations!