What Can I Do To Be More Effective?

You want your work to count, don't you? This useful online quiz will help you to determine what you need to do to increase your effectiveness in all you do!

Tags: Productivity

Here are all the results with descriptions

define your goals
How can you be effective if you don't know what you are trying to accomplish? List your top three goals. Then, brainstorm ten activities you can do to help achieve each one. Finally, choose the most effective activity from each list and do it!

declutter your environment
Have you heard the saying, 'A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind? ' There's truth to the statement because if you are organized you won't waste your mental energy (or time) searching for things, therefore you will be more effective.

Do you really need to do all the things that you do? Perhaps you can automate a process, such as setting up auto-replies for certain emails. Or if you know how to write code, you can customize a program to do your repetitive tasks. See how here: https://opensource. com/business/15/6/automate-time-consuming-tasks.

stop multitasking
Studies show that multitasking can actually hurt your productivity. Instead, focus on one activity at a time. Work in short bursts of no more than 60 minutes. . . whatever works best for your concentration, then take a break!

Do you really need to do all the things that you do? Perhaps you can delegate some of the work to someone else. Assign tasks according to the skills individuals excel at and you will end up with great work!

use the Pareto principle
The Pareto principle states that about 80% of the effects of many events result from 20% of the causes. If you focus on 20% of the fastest, easiest-to-accomplish tasks, you can get about 80% of your desired effects. Try it!