Candy Quiz

Are you someone that absolutely loves candy? Do you think that you know all there is to know about the sweet treats found in shops around the world? Find out with this quick quiz!

Tags: Trivia, Quiz, Candy, Sweets, Chocolate

Here are all the results with descriptions

Absolutely Nothing About Candy
Have you ever even eaten a piece of candy in your life? It doesn't seem as though you know a single thing about the sweet little treats, because you didn't get a single answer right on this quiz. Maybe it's not your thing. That's okay. Try something with vegetables next time.

Very Little About Candy
There are a few things that you know about candy, but for the most part, you missed the mark on this one. Maybe you just got a few lucky guesses in. Perhaps it's time to learn a little bit about the junk you're gobbling down before you put it in your mouth.

An Average Amount About Candy
You know about an average amount when it comes to candy. There are some details that you have in your brain, but some of these were pretty general or common knowledge questions. You're not a genius in the candy category, but you didn't do too bad.

A Whole Lot About Candy
Oh, you were so close to getting a 100% on this candy quiz! You only missed a question or two, so you really must like to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours. Maybe if you answered the questions again, you could get that top mark. Give it a try and see!

Everything There Is To Know About Candy
Holy smokes do you know a lot about candy. You got a 100% on this quiz and answered every single question that we threw at you. Some of these were pretty tricky too, so you should be proud of your knowledge on the topic.