Historical Villains

There have been quite a few villains throughout world history. Take this quiz and put your knowledge to the test on the world's worst historical villains!

Tags: History, Knowledge, Living, Thinking

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About Historical Villains
Wow, you kind of have to try that hard in order to know as little as you do about historical villains. I mean just plainly based on statistics you should've gotten at least few more correct! Your lack of knowledge is impressive.

Very Little About Historical Villains
Historical villains really are not your thing. That either means you are a little bit dumb or that you're just a good person who focuses on the world's heroes rather than the world's most cruel. It could go either way.

An Average Amount About Historical Villains
You know just about what everyone else in the general public knows about historical villains. You're neither an expert nor completely oblivious when it comes to the world's most historically infamous.

A Lot About Historical Villains
You have a very good understating of some of arguably the worst people throughout history to ever be documented. From the men to the women, to the modern and the ancient you know pretty much all there is to know about these infamous people.

Everything About Historical Villains
Wow! Your knowledge is impressive and extensive. You know facts about people who lived thousands of years apart. It wouldn't surprise us to hear that you are actually a secret villain yourself because of just how much you know.