Here are all the results with descriptions
You know a lot about a wide variety of topics. It seems there is no area you cannot excel in from an intellectual standpoint. Never lose your love of learning, because it will take you far.
Book Smart
You definitely know your books. You're very good at memorizing things off a printed page. You love to read, and you almost always remember what you read. The opportunities for you to learn are limitless.
Street Smart
You have practical knowledge -- street smarts. You might not have been that great with the books, but it was probably because you had better things to do. At the end of the day, you know intelligence is really being practical.
Above Average Intelligence
You are way smarter than the average person. You have an aptitude for learning that most people wish they had. Learning comes easily for you, no matter what it is you're trying to do or understand.
You are most certainly intelligent! You know a lot about many different things. You remember well, and you enjoy learning. That's what real intelligence is, anyway -- it is a love of learning.
You're about average, which really just means that you maybe didn't get straight A's in school. But real intelligence isn't measure by a test (or a quiz). If you love to learn and you're always willing to try new things, no one will ever be able to question your intelligence.