How Much Of A Problem Child Were You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

5% Problem Child
You were only 5% Problem Child! You were mostly polite and well behaved and gave your parents very little trouble.

27% Problem Child
You were 27% Problem Child. You knew how to get into trouble and how to stay out of it, but it all came down to how much fun it would be. Some things were worth the trouble.

49% Problem Child
You were 49% Problem Child. You kept your parents worried often enough, but you held onto your manners and knew when to act out and when to behave.

74% Problem Child
You were 74% Problem Child. You were the kind of kid who knew how to keep your parents awake at night. You loved new experiences and staying out late.

96% Problem Child
You were 96% Problem Child. Your parents didn't even know what to do with you! You had a rebellious wild streak that couldn't be contained or dampened by the expectations of others.