What Is Your Mental Age?

Want to know your mental age (of course you do, that's why you are here)? Well take this short quiz and find out! This test is jus for fun so don't take it too seriously and don't get offended or anything! Oh and since we cant tell you your exact mental age we will give you an age range!

Tags: Age, Kids, Old, Crazy

Here are all the results with descriptions

Well, you seem to be a bit on the immature side, but its fine because your brain has not fully developed yet. Keep working and when the time comes you will be mature!

Aye you good! You seem to be on the more mature side but still your brain has not fully developed so you have your slip ups every once in a while! But you will get there one day!

Alright now! You have got it down, your brain has now been fully developed so you are fully mature! I mean sure you have your up and down moments (Mainly road raging and some aggression) but you can get through them!

Well, um, you are mature and fully developed (Or you should be by now) but you go a bit too crazy at times, (Because your a bit more aggressive remember deep breaths) even though you are fully mature and stuff you do tent to act like an immature child, sorry. So just try to chill OK?

Well I don't really know you guys. Well you are wise I guess! That's all we can say.

You are wise way beyond description (Literally)!