Roman Name Generator

If you're looking for a Roman name, you've come to the right place. We can generate a unisex Roman name for you with our quick Roman name generator. Start now!

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Here are all the results with descriptions

Silvanus was the Roman God of Forests. Being named for something relating to the forest is kind of magical. A famous Silvanus was a friend of the Biblical St. Paul. What would you do with a name like Silva or Silvanus? Variations are Silvius, Silvia, and Silvanus.

Juno is kind of getting overdone. So why not go with Juven? Juventas was the Roman Goddess of Youth and the Latin word for 'youth' is juventas. If you're youthful or want to be, this could be a great name for you! The male form of Juventas is Juvenal.

Feronia was a goddess of wildlife as well as abundance and health. You could use a modernized version of this name, Feron, or the female Feronia or the male Feronius. Feronia was also the goddess of freedom for slaves and civil rights.

You may know this word better as 'eon', also spelled in later Latin as 'aeon'. Aion was the god of cyclical and unbounded time. Because his time was not contained within the past, present, and future, he was a big part of mystery religions.

Fides is the personification of loyalty. You may have seen it as the root for fidelity, bona fide, and other words relating to friendship, loyalty, or trust. As a goddess, Fides was among the first virtues to be seen as a deity.

Parcae is a word for the three fates. A parcae of fates. A single fate is called a parca. Not only did the parcae determine the threads of destiny for man, they also controlled the fates of the gods. Their individual names were Nona (spinner of the beginning thread of life), Decima (measured the thread), and Morta (who cut the thread).