Love Meter Quiz

Wondering what you and your crush or partner rate on the love meter? It's time to find out. You know you're dying to find out whether you have the real deal or not!

Tags: Men, Women, Dating, Love, Relationships

Here are all the results with descriptions

0 - 2
You don't have a very high score on the love meter, and that means that what you have is probably one-sided. After all, you're the one here, taking this quiz. But all signs point to the fact that the chemistry just isn't there mutually.

3 - 4
There's some interest here, on both your parts, but it's only just beginning. It's nothing serious, certainly nothing deep, and most importantly. . . nothing official. Neither one of you has thought 'Yes, I'm going to go for it. ' So, all in all, too soon to tell, but you do like each other a bit.

5 - 6
You're new to this! You just started something up, so it's more than just a crush, but it's also not. . . quite there yet. It's nothing deep, nothing that you could possibly build over the course of several years, but it's also. . . still quite exciting. It's an exciting time! Embrace it, enjoy it while it lasts. Every honeymoon ends eventually. But you can remain happily in love for life if you put in the work!

7 - 8
You two have love, but also some problems! You argue, you don't express your gratitude for each other as much as you should, you know. . . just nothing really super duper romantic. And that's probably because you two have been together for a while, and haven't done these things in a while. No excuse! Unless you want to grow apart, you have to put in more effort. Both of you. So lead by example already!

9 - 10
Now this is love! Real, honest, so good it hurts kind of love! You two are basically best friends, you laugh a ton together, and it shows. You're every single and insecure person's nightmare. And every struggling couple's nightmare too, for that matter.