How Manipulative Are You?

Has anyone ever suggested that you might be a little bit manipulative? Do you seem to always get your way, no matter what it takes? Find out just how manipulative you are with this quiz!

Tags: Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

0% Manipulative
There isn't anything about you that is manipulative according to the way you answered these quiz questions. You're actually the exact opposite. You might want to think about up-ing your game a little bit. Otherwise, you're going to find yourself getting run over a lot.

Not Really Manipulative
You aren't really that manipulative. You might do what you have to in some situations, but for the most part, you're upfront and honest about what's going on and if things don't go your way you're perfectly fine with it.

Maybe A Little Manipulative
There a couple of things about you that make you a little bit manipulative, but everyone has to do what's best for themselves once in a while. If that takes a little bit of manipulation to achieve, there's nothing wrong with that.

About 50% Manipulative
You can be manipulative when you have to be, but we're guessing that it's not something you really enjoy doing. You would rather be truthful and let things play out for themselves, but you don't want to get taken advantage of either.

Pretty Darn Manipulative
According to your answers to this quiz, we're going to say that you're pretty darn manipulative. You will say and do what you need to so that situations turn out in your favor. You probably draw the line and hurting people, but everything else is fair game.

100% Manipulative
Everything about your answers to this quiz point to the idea that you're 100% manipulative. You will do whatever it takes in any situation to get what you want, even if that means hurting people you love in the process. You might want to start rethinking that tactic before you lose everyone important to you.