What Will Be Your Next Nationality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are warm and welcoming. You treat everyone like family, and you enjoy singing karaoke, having big extended family parties, and loving life! You will be Filipino in your next life.

You are prideful and boisterous, outspoken and strong-willed. You enjoy chaotic, crowded parties, and celebrating life. You will be German in your next life!

You are disciplined and hard-working. You have big dreams of success, and you are determined and ambitious enough to achieve them all! You will be Chinese in your next life.

You are cheerful and optimistic, laid back and relaxed. Nothing angers or agitates you, and you live your life knowing that it's too short to be anything but happy. You will be Jamaican in your next life!

You are nice and always kind to others, warm-hearted and loving. You are selfless and generous, and because of this, many good things will always come your way! You will be Canadian in your next life.