What Does My Dream Mean?

Did you have a crazy, disturbing, potentially insightful, or even shocking dream last night? Maybe just. . . odd? Then it's time to find out what it meant.

Tags: Dreams, Life, Feelings

Here are all the results with descriptions

These dreams can shake you to the core, and even anger you depending on how realistic it feels. Even after waking up, you might be inclined to give your unassuming partner the stink eye! But the truth is that dreams about cheating aren't really about cheating at all, no matter what they consist of, or how vivid. It means you're feeling vulnerable in this relationship. The dream is exploring the worst case scenarios.

Dreams about falling can mean a lot of things. It's your feelings that give it the context. For example, if you've been feeling guilty about something you did or didn't do, you may feel fallen from grace. But if you've lost your job, or your relationship, then the dreams means you're overwhelmed and stressed.

Don't worry, think of death as a symbol for the end of an era, and nothing more. Something is ending, has ended, or will end soon. Could be a relationship, a job contract, something. But if you dream about someone who's passed then it's likely you feel like you had unresolved business. Something you wish you'd said when you still had a chance.

Being chased is terrifying, especially in a dream, thanks to vivid imaginations. And although they're mostly common in children, because everything is still relatively unknown to them, they're also common in adults for different reasons. For adults, being chased means they feel vulnerable, guilty, or fearful in life. It means they're afraid of what's coming. This is especially true if they've experienced trauma.