What Nationality Man Should You Marry?

A sexy Frenchman? A strong Chinese man? What nationality of man would suit you? This hysterical online quiz will reveal the suggested nationality of your husband.

Tags: Nationality, Marriage, Marry, Husband

Here are all the results with descriptions

Kiribati is an island-nation that may soon be completely evacuated because rising ocean waters are slowly reclaiming the land masses! Not only will you be doing a good deed by marrying a Kiribatian so they can live in your country, but you will get a sexy islander as a husband. Snag one while they last!

If you want to get married to someone who appreciates your uniqueness, marry a Hispanic. They are one of the most likely groups to marry someone of a different nationality! Because it's common in their culture, family and friends are also less likely to have issues with it.

You love to travel and you are hoping for an intense, passionate man to take you places. . . You should marry a Romani man, otherwise known as a Gypsy by the less politically correct people of the world.

Who doesn't like a brogue and a nice hairy hunk of man to curl up with at night? An Irishman will have traditional family values and a strong appreciation for a pint of the hard stuff! Find one today!

Besides being tall, light, and with blue eyes, you also want someone who is career-driven and smart. Germans are known for being picky about quality so if you marry one, it should boost your confidence that he picked you!

If you thought you should marry a Frenchmen, you are wrong! If you can stand the cold, head on up to whichever Pole you find Eskimos at and snag one right now! They are very loyal, kind, and handy around the house.