My Dream Guy

Do you know what your dream guy is like? Maybe he's super sweet? Or he's very adventurous? Gentle and kind, or gruff and rough around the edges? Time to find out!

Tags: Women, Men, Dating, Love

Here are all the results with descriptions

Gentle And Kind
Your dream guy is a sweetheart. He's sweet, nice, kind and gentle. Basically, he's inclined to help you clean the house, buy you flowers for no reason, and generally just be sweet on you. He's super clingy. Like a cute puppy!

Rough Around the Edges
This is the guy who is pretty bulky, bearded, and doesn't really show up with flowers and chocolates ever. Maybe once a blue moon (once a year, if that). He doesn't help clean, and he doesn't actually put in much effort, but you know what? He's loving, and accepting, and requires little to nothing to be happy.

Complicated, But Strong Loving
This dude is complex! Your dream guy has a lot to learn, but learn he does. And once a lesson has been computed, the problem is solved. But he's very. . . touchy. Picky. Even selfish. Although kind and respectful, he's also quick to anger. Patient at times, impatient at others. . . It's complicated! But he loves you fiercely and he's loyal until the end. He's your ride or die, and your his.