Who Are You Meant To Be?

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Parent
You are meant to be a parent! You've always known that you wanted a family. As a nurturing soul with a deep well of wisdom to be shared, you could truly make the difference in the life of a child. While you'll accomplish many things in your life, parenting will be the one you're most proud of.

A Spouse
You are meant to be a spouse! While you're more than just who you're married to and the person you choose to love, you are truly meant to give love and raise someone else up to a higher level. Luckily, your spouse will always do the same for you! You're a lover who simply wants to give give give.

A Helper
You are meant to be a helper! In your life, you'll fill this role in many different ways at many different times. Sometimes it will be as simple as tying a shoe, other times it will be as intense as heading a relief effort or saving a life. You're a selfless person who feels most useful and alive when giving back to others.

A Leader
You are meant to be a leader! Do you find that others tend to hang on your every word? Are you the primary decision maker both at home and amongst your friends? Others look to you for leadership and inspiration on a daily basis. Use your gifts to accomplish something really great.

A Creator
You are meant to be a creator! You simply don't feel alive or in tune with the world at large if you're not creating or exercising your free will to do as you please. One day you'll use your creative efforts to create something so much greater than any of us have ever known.