Element Quiz

Find out which of these elements your personality most matches.

Tags: Personality, Attitude, Temper, Fire, Water

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are practical and cautious. Your loved ones consider you to be very stable and firm in your convictions. Earth signs are very curious and hard-working. You have a lot of wisdom to offer your peers but sometimes they see you being inflexible.

You are a good communicator both verbally and in writing. Socialization is important to you, and so is keeping your surroundings and routines fresh and changing. You enjoy helping others but within limits.

You are highly expressive and enthusiastic, and you like to be in charge. Your confidence is a strong point for you and people look to you for energy and motivation. Your creative mind is a constant source of ideas, and your leadership skills are useful in managing team projects.

You are highly sensitive and empathetic. You experience a wide spectrum of emotions and sometimes this can be overwhelming, but you are a very good listener as a result. You risk putting others' needs before you own, so you need to take care to make sure your own needs are met.

You are passionate and practical, and your presence can dominate the groups you are in. Your ideas are very firm, so much so that you can be unwilling to change your mind, and effective communication can be difficult with other signs.

You are prone to tempestuous moods but you are able to communicate these feelings well even when you are excited. You are very independent in thought but feel the need to share your ideas with others even if they disagree.