How Californian Are You?

How are the waves today?

Tags: State, United-States, Lifestyle, Geography

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Californian
You are hella Californian. You know that flip flops are acceptable footwear to just about anywhere, recycling is not so much a choice as an obligation, and that it just doesn't make sense to live without the ocean or where you have to constantly deal with finicky weather. You crave burritos when you've gone a few days without one and you're not scared of a little earthquake.

90% Californian
You are pretty darn Californian. You're laid-back, politically liberal, and you take care of your body with exercise and eating mostly healthy, fresh food. You won't have a panic attack if you find yourself without a recycling bin, but you will go out of your way to find one. You also know that 'dude' is an acceptable way to refer to just about anyone.

75% Californian
You're a Californian-in-Training. You're comfortable in flip flops and you eat your share of salads, but you're not quite with all of the California norms enough to claim true Californian status. Maybe you haven't lived there long enough yet? Give it some time, eat more burritos, and come back in a few months.

50% Californian
You're a Wannabe Californian. Yes, you probably do yoga and recycle, but who doesn't these days? And just because you took that one surfing lesson, doesn't mean you can call yourself a surfer. Yes, we all love nice weather, fresh food, and laid-back attitudes, but you're just not quite earning your Californian status these days.

20% Californian
You're not very Californian at all, which means you're probably happy that you're not. But you do share a few things with the diehards'you do like taking care of your body and you make a point to recycle, um, when it's convenient. Be careful when around true Californians though, they can smell pretend Californians from a mile away!

1% Californian
California? No thank you. You are not Californian at all. Thank goodness, right? Yeah, everyone seems to love it there, but it's just not for you. You like to have SEASONS and you could really do without hearing the word 'dude' for the rest of your life. Plus, why would people knowingly live on such a big fault line? It's just not safe.