Chef Quiz

Can you prove that your know your favorite famous chefs? Your answers will show what you are made of with this challenging online celebrity chef trivia quiz!

Tags: Chef, Cooking, Career, Cuisine, Food

Here are all the results with descriptions

would get you chopped
You don't know much about the cooking world. You got almost all of these questions about famous celebrity chefs wrong. Well, at least you have a good excuse to binge watch cooking shows this weekend!

would get you kicked out of the kitchen
Though you don't seem to know much about celebrity chefs around the world, you managed to get a few of the questions right. If you want to score higher on the test next time, you will need to brush up on your cooking shows!

won't get you kicked out of the kitchen
You know just barely enough about celebrity chefs from around the world to stay in the 'kitchen, ' so to speak, but you have a lot to learn. Well, at least you have a good excuse to binge watch cooking shows this weekend!

is almost cutting edge
You didn't get every question right, but you showed that you have more than average knowledge of celebrity chefs from around the world. Great job! Binge watching those cooking shows finally paid off!

is top shelf
You got almost every question right, so you showed that you have more than average knowledge of celebrity chefs from around the world. Fantastic job! Binge watching those cooking shows finally paid off!

is the cherry on top
Who said binge watching cooking shows was a waste of time? Your knowledge really served you well on this difficult international celebrity chef trivia quiz! Congratulations! Now, why not try some of the world famous recipes you've seen?