History Of Christianity

Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world. Whether you are a christian or not take this quiz and discover how deep your knowledge of Christian history is!

Tags: History, Christianity, Religion, Bible, Church

Here are all the results with descriptions

Know Nothing About Christianity
It's almost like you've gone out of your way to know as little as possible about Christianity. Like you literally know nothing about it. Hey, it's the effort that counts and with some studying were sure your knowledge will grow.

Know Very Little About Christianity
You know only the very fundamentals of Christianity. You know the basics of it all, which is the most important part. After all, what would Christianity be without its core roots? Keep learning and you'll be fine.

Know An Average Amount About Christianity
You're no expert but you know your stuff when it comes to the history of Christianity. You can hang with the average Christian. You haven't gone out of your way to learning the more intricate parts, but you'll get there.

Have A Good Understanding Of Christianity
You know more than the average person when it comes to Christianity. You have good knowledge of both the Bible and the history of the church. People are probably impressed with the amount of knowledge you have.

Are An Expert On Christian History
We would not say you are the second coming of Jesus, because that would be very un-Christian of us, but you are pretty great. You basically know all there is to know about the history of Christianity.