How Analytical Are You?

Do you think you tend to over or under analyze things? While some people are too analytical, some of us aren't analytical enough. Find out how analytical you are!

Tags: Woman, Man, Boy, Girl, Thinker, Logic

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Analytical
You're not analytical at all. In fact, you're almost the opposite, if that's possible. You really should look a bit closer at things. Take the time to examine things and events in your life so that you can make better decisions.

Somewhat Analytical
You're also somewhat lazy about thinking things through. It wouldn't hurt to pay more attention to what's happening around you or what you're doing and then examine those things a little more closely. If you don't give things enough thought you could end up making huge mistakes.

You give the events and things in your life an average amount of analysis when compared to most people. You're not lacking in analysis. However, just a bit more from time to time could give you a leg up. Especially at work or in business.

Very Analytical
You're not overly analytical but you are more analytical than most people. It's probably a good place to be in the realm of work and business but try to tone it down in the arena of personal relationships. Over-analyzing what people you're close to say and do could lead you to hurt your own feelings when the supposed perpetrator did not have that intention.

Overly Analytical
You are extremely analytical! Your mind has taken over everything and it may be impeding you from enjoying life. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. Yes, the truth is important too, but try to find a balance. Don't waste time wondering who came up with the shape of elbow macaroni and why.