Ocean Quiz

Are you fascinated with the massive bodies of water found all of the Earth? Do you think you know everything there is to know about the five major oceans? Find out right now with this quick trivia quiz!

Tags: Trivia, Water, Geography, Knowledge, History

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About Oceans
Are you sure you're not from another planet? You don't know anything about the oceans here on Earth, and with them making up so much of our world, you should probably know at least something! Time to pick up a book and start reading!

Not Very Much About Oceans
You know a couple of facts about the oceans, but there's a lot more than you have no clue on. You either didn't pay attention in geography class or you're too young to have taken it yet. It's okay because you're never too old to learn something new!

Some About Oceans
There must be a little bit of interest in the oceans coming from you because you know some about them. These questions were pretty common knowledge though, so you might not have done even that well if this was a tougher quiz. Anyway, you did alright.

Quite A Bit About Oceans
It was probably geography class that you found most interesting, because that's where we learn a lot about the Earth's oceans, and you know quite a bit. Maybe you're even a geography teacher yourself. Whatever the case may be, you did great!

Everything About Oceans
It's pretty clear that you love oceans because you know everything about them. You likely have traveled to and swam, surfed, or scuba dived in at least one of them. They truly are magnificent creations that are meant to be enjoyed, and you are doing it right.