Teen Slang

How much do you know about teen slang? Are you an expert? Are you a teen? Find out all about teen slang and how much you know by taking this quiz now!

Tags: Teen, Boy, Girl, Teenager, Slang, Words

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing about teen slang
You don't know any of the current words that teens are using. You might even think that 'groovy' is still in common parlance. Lucky for you that you are not a teen and don't really have to know this stuff. Unless you want to relate to them, that is!

A little bit
You know just a little bit of teen slang and you could certainly use to know some more. You know enough that it is evident that you talk to a teen in your life at some point. The more teen slang you learn the better you will be able to understand them.

A decent amount
You don't know a lot of teen slang but it's obvious that you spend a lot of time with teens. They still have their secrets from you though whether that's intentional or not. You just have a little way to go until you know all of it!

A lot
You know quite a lot of teen slang. Enough that it's possible that you're in your late teens or early 20s. Or maybe you're a teacher or other person that spends a lot of time with teens. You're only a few terms away from being a teen slang expert.

You are a full expert on teen slang. It is likely that you are yourself a teenager. So, since you know all of the teen slang, you could go teach it to the adults in your life. They're dying to know what it is that everyone online is talking about.