Which Ivy League School Should You Attend?

Selecting an Ivy League school to attend is a very important decision. If you want to make sure you have considered all the essential facts, take this useful quiz!

Tags: League, School, University, College

Here are all the results with descriptions

Brown University
Your love for research comes through very clearly! Based on that, we suggest you attend Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. It is hard to get into--only 9% of applicants are accepted--but 96% graduate!

Columbia University
You are on the fence about your major. Based on that fact, we suggest you attend Columbia University in New York City. Columbia University has excellent schools of business, teaching, law, and medicine. So if you change your discipline, you probably won't have to transfer.

Cornell University
You are not a big-city person, so we suggest you attend Cornell University in rural Ithaca, New York. Besides studying, you will want to get involved with one of the 1, 000 student organizations on campus!

University of Pennsylvania
You love your sports, so we suggest you attend the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. This university has more than over 25 NCAA Division I sports. They also have many Greek organizations you can participate in!

Harvard University
You are a bookworm, so you value the library more than the sports or the campus. We suggest you attend Harvard University located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard has a huge library with the oldest and largest collection of books worldwide.

Princeton University
You want to use your education to make a difference in the world, not just get a job to make money. The right match for you is Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. They have an unofficial motto that reflects their commitment to community service: 'Princeton in the Nation's Service and the Service of Humanity. '.