What Type Of Romantic Are You?

You may know that you are a romantic person, but do you know what type of romantic you are? Take this playful online personality quiz to find out right now!

Tags: Romance, Romantic, Lover, Love, Dating

Here are all the results with descriptions

Flash and Burn Romantic
You have a soft spot for beauty. You may fall in love at first sight, especially if they show you grand gestures of affection. You crave the wonder, intensity, excitement, and passion of new relationships, but sometimes you lose interest after a brief period of time. If you focus on getting to know a partner beyond the surface, you will find lasting love.

an Ear to Ear Romantic
What means the most to you from a partner is words of affirmation. Because you express your love with compliments and sweet expressions of love, you can feel unsatisfied if your partner doesn't match your statements.

a Tangible Romantic
What means the most to you from a partner is physical evidence of affection. In other words, you like flowers, gifts, cards, and other items that you can save to look at again or display in your home or office. You may be simply sentimental, or you could be a little insecure and require physical evidence to re-convince yourself (or others) that you are loved.

a Service Romantic
If someone does something for you, such as packs your lunch for you or does the dishes without being asked, you are sold! You also like to show your love by doing things for your partner, even if it's something gross like trimming his or her nose hair!

Round the Clock Romantic
You want to spend time with your partner. You show your love by making them a priority even when you are busy. For example, you may text your partner during your lunch break or accompany them to a doctor's appointment just to show you care.

Hands-On Romantic
Holding hands, kissing, and other intimate gestures are very important to you. If your partner doesn't touch you or receive this physical evidence of affection from you, you feel very unhappy in a relationship. But with a little communication, you can often solve this problem.