What Kind Of Negotiator Are You?

Did you know that there are many different ways to negotiate? Your answers to these penetrating questions will reveal how you negotiate and what it says about you!

Tags: Career

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are motivated by goals and contests. You always want to sell more than your coworkers, and this can make you a little more aggressive than the average customer appreciates. You make a lot of sales, but you lose a lot of business too because many people hate your style.

You are not assertive and you don't like the sales process. Your low motivation shows in your dealings with customers and your lack of sales. You often talk customers out of a sale by making negative comments or taking too long to seal the deal.

You are the most liked of all negotiators because you balance your desire to sell with wanting a good relationship with your clients. Many business that have experienced long-time success hire accommodators because they know how to create repeat customers.

You are an assertive and cooperative negotiator. You want the client to have what they need, but you also know that you may need to use your skills of persuasion to convince them to buy something that they weren't planning to buy.

You are fairly assertive and cooperative. You don't press the client too much out of fear of losing the sale altogether, so you sometimes negotiate lower prices than you could have recieved if you had stuck to your guns.

You like to win, but you are cool and calculated. . . Emphasis on CALCULATED! You love to analyze data and prepare results. . . no matter how long it takes. Some people find you cold, but you aren't really. . . just distracted by the details.