Insect Trivia

Can you beat this insect trivia quiz? If insects are your thing, or you have a thing for trivial knowledge, you just might. Take the quiz and find out!

Tags: Insects, Creatures, Trivia

Here are all the results with descriptions

Don't know much
You got the lowest score on this insect trivia quiz. But look at how much you learned! Seeing all of the correct answers has given you some interesting insect facts to share with your friends. They'll think you're an insect expert!

Are an insect novice
You didn't get the lowest score, but you didn't score very high either. But, this insect trivia quiz showed you all of the right answers so now you'll know them if they come up in another trivia game!

Did okay
You didn't beat the quiz but you didn't tank it either. Now you know a little more about insect trivia from reading the correct answers. With all of that knowledge, you can entertain your friends with weird insect facts!

Almost beat it
You did very, very well on this insect trivia quiz but you didn't quite ace it. Now that you know the correct answers, you could! Maybe you learned about some insects you hadn't heard of yet. It's always good to learn more!

Beat the quiz
You ACED this insect trivia quiz! Good for you. You must be an entomology expert! That or you really like insects. Do you have a collection or have you read a lot about them? If you don't already, spend some time in nature observing them.