Judicial Branch Trivia

There are three branches in the United States government. The judicial branch is perhaps the least commonly taught branch of the three. Take this quiz and find out just how much you know about it!

Tags: Trivia, Branch, Government, Memory

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About The Judicial Branch
Maybe you've only learned about the executive and legislative branches because your knowledge on the judicial branch is abysmal. Study up on the judicial branch of the government because you are missing out on a big part of the United States government.

Not A Lot About The Judicial Branch
So you don't know very much about the judicial branch. . . like at all. Hopefully you learned a bit from this quiz and can show off now in front of your friends. Never hurts to have a few fun facts in your pocket!

A Decent Amount About The Judicial Branch
Congratulations. . . you're incredibly average. You know just enough to squeak by in any high school history class. Honestly though on the bright side you could've done a lot worse. Just keep learning about this branch and soon you'll be an expert.

More Than Average About The Judicial Branch
You know quite a bit about the judicial branch. It would not surprise us at all if you take a special interest in either history or the law, or even both. Keep learning about the judicial branch and you'll be an absolute expert in no time.

A Lot About The Judicial Branch
Wow you are a literal expert on the judicial branch. You know all of the ins and outs of this branch of government. If you aren't a lawyer or heading in that direction we suggest you consider because your knowledge really is just that good.