Which Greek God Is Your Parent?

You know you're a bit different than the average mortal, something just puts you alongside demigods. Find out which Greek God could be your parent and could've made you who you are today.

Tags: Mythology, Fantasy, God, Goddess

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your father is Zeus! We hope you like big families, because you're bound to have a ton of half brothers and sisters. Like your father, you can have a bit of a temper but nevertheless people admire you.

Your mother is Athena! She has taught you strength, wisdom, and perhaps a bit of trickery. Be wary, she can be a bit of an absentee mother and you may be tempted to chase after her approval. It can be so hard to have a goddess as a mother.

Your mother is Aphrodite! While you gained eons of beauty from your mother, you will still be constantly compared to her based on your looks. Get ready to brush off creepy guys and do a lot of eye rolling.

Your father is Hades! Don't worry, this doesn't mean you're inherently bad but it does mean that your room in the underworld probably sucks, you're going to want to spruce it up and hope dad lets you keep the new decorations.

Your father is Apollo! Which means that you also have an awesome aunt, Artemis! Your father is always involved in some kind of hobby but because of your relation you get access to everything from art and poetry to knowledge and light!

Your mother is Hera! As Hera is the goddess of marriage and birth, she's sure to be an excellent mother to you. Furthermore, it can't hurt to have the Queen of the Gods as your mom. Use her power and your connection wisely.