What To Do To Make A Man Love You?

Up to this point in your life, it doesn't seem to matter what you do, the men that are around just won't fall for you. That can all come to an end after you take this quiz!

Tags: Couples, Relationship, Love, Men, Partner

Here are all the results with descriptions

Feed Him
It seems though you lack a little bit in the cooking department here. A guy is going to have a really hard time settling down with a woman for the long haul if she can't feed him once in a while. Take a cooking class or two and the men won't ever want to leave!

Give Him More Compliments
You don't have a problem communicating, but for some reason, you have difficulty giving the person you care about compliments. You are supposed to be your partners biggest cheerleader in life, so it's time to start acting like it!

Laugh A Little More
Not everything in life has to be serious. You need to loosen up a little bit more and laugh once in a while. The men that you surround yourself, if they are like most men, want to make you laugh. It makes them feel good about themselves. Even if what they say isn't funny, chuckle anyways. They love it!

Open Yourself Up
Either you've been hurt, beaten down, or completely broken in your past. As a result, you have a hard time opening up to new people. That's not going to help you in the love department though. You need to get a little more personal with a man if you want him to fall in love with you.

Take Some Initiative
It could be calling, asking for a date, or even in the bedroom, but you need to take some initiative in something with your relationships. Otherwise, your guy is going to get mixed ideas about whether or not you're really into him.

Work On Yourself More
It doesn't seem as though you are fully aware of who you are and what you have to offer. Without being happy with yourself, you're going to have a really hard time making a man fall in love with you. Take some time and learn more about you before going after the next one.